Visitor Code Of Conduct

Visitors are permitted in the school during appropriate times, including school programs, athletic events, open houses, other similar public events, volunteer work, conferences, and meetings. 

  • All visitors shall report to the front office and sign in.
  • Visitors’ driver's licenses or state-issued photo IDs will be scanned to enter the school building.
  • Authorization to visit elsewhere in the building or on the school campus will be determined by the principal/designee.
  • Visitor passes/badges will be issued to persons other than students and school employees.

Additionally, the following behaviors will not be tolerated by any visitor under any circumstance. 

  • Cursing and use of obscenities.
  • Disrupting or threatening to disrupt school or office operations.
  • Acting in an unsafe manner that could threaten the health or safety of others.
  • Verbal or written statements or gestures indicating intent to harm an individual or property.
  • Possession of a dangerous weapon.
  • Physical attacks intended to harm an individual or substantially damage property.

Anyone failing to abide by these expectations will be asked to leave and, depending on the circumstances, may be prohibited from coming onto school property in the future. 

For questions regarding the Visitor Code of Conduct, contact West Middle School, Principal Cindy Herrera: 931-454-2605.